Friday, July 22, 2011

Zoey is 3!! Happy Birthday!

It's been a fun day with my little 3 year old!  Here are some pics of the day so far...too bad it is raining and 52- but at least we aren't having the heat wave everyone else is having!

The Birthday Girl!

She was so excited to wear her special birthday shirt!  :) 

When you are three, its kinda fun to do random things like holding your toys with your toes.  

even Jude had a great day today!  and he hasn't even bothered with Zoey's first gift, which was a dog and little vet kit.  

she LOVE blues clues right now- Blues Clues stickers!

being a vet. 

Lady bug cake!  Much simpler than the HUGE monkey cake I made last year.  This one is lemon cake, with homemade strawberry cream cheese frosting, decorated with chocolate chips, strawberries, and dark chocolate covered quinoa.  

1 comment:

  1. cute! and i love the poms!!!
    i've been meaning to be a better follower/commenter.
    i hope you have/had a fantastic trip.
